Millipede is a bisexual, Vietnamese woman who makes character illustrations. Most of her works are of OC's (original characters). When she isn't drawing, she's either reading romance books or eating kimchi ramen.Tools
- Software: Clip Studio Paint
- Hardware: Gaomon M10K 2018, iPad Pro 6th Gen 12.9"
Illustration Portfolio
Commission Info
Please read the Terms of Service below before ordering. By ordering, it's assumed you agree to the terms.Ready to order? Email [email protected] and mention you want a commission. Available payment methods: CashApp (preferred) and PayPal.
Terms of Service
Contact Info
- If you have questions, please email Millipede. Direct messaging on socials is not recommended, as the artist does not always receive those notifications.
- Order confirmation and delivery will be done through email.Rights and Use
- The artist holds the right to refuse any commission. You are not owed an explanation.
- Finished commissions may be shared on portfolios and social media.
- Commissions are to only be used by the commissioner. If you're the commissioner and you use your commission publicly, please credit the artist.
- You may not edit the art on your own once it's complete. Cropping to set as a profile image, banner, etc. is OK.
- You may not redistribute the artist's work to create profit for yourself. NO RESELLING OR NFT'S.
- Please inquire about commercial-use commissions.Payment
- Full payments are done upfront before the commission is started.
- You are eligible for a refund every time a WIP is sent: sketch (75% refund) and flat colors (25% refund). You are also eligible if the artist hasn't started on your work at all. You are not eligible if the artist started shading.
- If the commission can't be finished within three months, the artist will notify you about which refund you can get.Process
- WIP's will be sent after the sketch and flat colors. You may request edits during these WIP checks.
- Miniscule edits are free. Major edits start at an extra $10 and may be more.The artist will not draw...
gore; furries and mechs; offensive or questionable themes; real people.Last updated on October 26, 2024.
NSFW Commission Info
Commission examples above are pixelated for presentation's sake. Actual commissions will not be pixelated upon delivery.Please read the Terms of Service below before ordering. By ordering, it's assumed you agree to the terms.Ready to order? Email [email protected] and mention you want a commission. Available payment methods: CashApp (preferred) and PayPal.
Terms of Service
Subject Matter
There are many NSFW scenarios, kinks and scenes out there. It is possible the artist may refuse to draw your scenario. Please carefully describe what your scenario is, including any kinks involved, so that the artist may appropriately communicate with you on your commission.Subject matter the artist will absolutely not draw:
gore; furries and mechs; incest; offensive or questionable themes; real people; underaged characters.Contact Info
- If you have questions, please email Millipede. Direct messaging on socials is not recommended, as the artist does not always receive those notifications.
- Order confirmation and delivery will be done through email.Rights and Use
- The artist holds the right to refuse any commission. You are not owed an explanation.
- Finished commissions may be shared on portfolios and social media.
- Commissions are to only be used by the commissioner. If you're the commissioner and you use your commission publicly, please credit the artist.
- You may not edit the art on your own once it's complete. Cropping to set as a profile image, banner, etc. is OK.
- You may not redistribute the artist's work to create profit for yourself. NO RESELLING OR NFT'S.
- Please inquire about commercial-use commissions.Payment
- Full payments are done upfront before the commission is started.
- You are eligible for a refund every time a WIP is sent: sketch (75% refund) and flat colors (25% refund). You are also eligible if the artist hasn't started on your work at all. You are not eligible if the artist started shading.
- If the commission can't be finished within three months, the artist will notify you about which refund you can get.Process
- WIP's will be sent after the sketch and flat colors. You may request edits during these WIP checks.
- Miniscule edits are free. Major edits start at an extra $10 and may be more.Last updated on October 26, 2024.
NSFW Warning
The links you are about to visit contain NSFW material. They are only recommended for adults who are 18 or older. All characters depicted are adults.By clicking on the links below, you agree that you are 18+.To view NSFW commission information, please click here:
For an easy-viewing NSFW gallery from Millipede, it is recommended to visit either the Poipiku or Reddit links: